7 Common Crochet Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Blossom Lady
Jul 07, 2020 06:46 AM

If you have a tip or a trick to fix a crochet mistake, please leave me a comment, I would love to hear from you!

Learning to crochet is hard! Whether you are just learning to crochet or have years of experience, we are all capable of making the same mistakes.

7 Common Crochet Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

It seems all very complicated and there are lots of mistakes beginners and experienced crocheters make that can lead to lots of frustration. So I’m here to help with the 7 crochet mistakes that I made when I first learned to crochet. Hope you will find them useful! Just remember and follow these simple rules.

1. Choose The Right Type of Yarn.

7 Common Crochet Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

It is common, and sometimes unavoidable. If you are working from a pattern, this makes a big difference in sizing. If you can’t use the same yarn listed in the pattern, try visiting special websites, such as yarnsub.com to find similar versions of the yarn. It will automatically find very similar yarns and list a percentage match, which is very helpful! Familiarize yourself with the various standard yarn weights.
Download a Yarn Standard Guide (attached below) with the most commonly used gauges and needle or hook sizes for specific yarn categories. Hope it will be helpful.

2. Do Not Confuse US and UK Crochet Terms.

7 Common Crochet Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Check whether your crocheting instructions come from the US or the UK, as the terminology differs slightly. For instance, the term “double crochet” means something different to crocheters in the UK than it does to crocheters in the US. Check out this simple table to see the UK equivalent to US stitching terms.
Tip: Always remember that single = States. If there’s a single crochet in your pattern it’s from the United States. If a single crochet instruction awaits, your pattern is from the United States. Easy! So every time you see a single crochet instruction, you’ll know it’s a US pattern using US terminology.

3. Always Count the Stitches While You Work.

7 Common Crochet Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

I know counting your stitches can be really tedious, but count the number of stitches you made in the first row, and then when you hit that number on the second row, stop and turn. If the edge is still uneven, that means you’re likely starting in the wrong stitch. Eventually you won't have to count so carefully, but it takes a while to get a feel for when to stop.

4. Try to use simple bobby pins instead of stitch markers when crocheting.

7 Common Crochet Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

They actually work much better. Easy!

5. Do not only crochet in front or back loop.

7 Common Crochet Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

The most common mistake made by crocheters, especially by beginners, is to only crochet using the front or back loop. People can do this for years without realizing it, having no idea why their crochet projects don't look right. It’s especially hard to notice if you only make scarves or one-stitch projects, but the mistake becomes obvious when doing granny squares, or more complex patterns. Things just won't line up, and the project turns out larger than expected. Once you fix the problem, you will also realize that the stitches themselves look different. If the front of your crochet projects looks slightly different from the back, you probably are using only one loop. Always make sure to crochet both the front and the back loops.

6. Avoid overly tight stitches.

7 Common Crochet Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Making too-tight stitches is definitely a common mistake in crochet, despite the fact that sometimes it is not a mistake! Practice these simple steps to loosen your hold on the yarn and hook. Remind yourself that the yarn cannot run away. Take a deep breath and count to five. If you have to loosen your grip to allow the yarn through for the next stitch, you are holding on too tightly. If your hands ache after only a few minutes, you are holding on too tightly. Let it go. The yarn tends to unfold as it should.


7 Common Crochet Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
7. Never Give Up!

Too many people expect to pick up a hook and start banging out amazing projects but this is a skill that takes time and patience. I promise, with practice you’ll start crocheting without even thinking about it. It’s worth it to get to the stage where you can crochet and watch TV or chat to friends. Then you can be crocheting all the time. Just patience! Always remember, that good things take time.
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Delores Scarcella
Jul 07, 2020 09:05 AM
I started crocheting when I was 11. my mother used to make a hawk a little magic circles for me because I could not get it through my head how to make them. Now that I'm older I do make my own LOL. This will help someone other than myself it brings back a lot of memories
Blossom Lady Delores Scarcellareplied to
Jul 08, 2020 03:24 AM (edited)
I started crocheting when I was 11. my mother used to make a hawk a little magic circles for me because I could not get it through my head how to make them. Now that I'm older I do make my own LOL. This will help someone other than myself it brings back a lot of memories
That's funny! :) And wow, you were so young, just 11! Fantastic! My Grandma taught me to crochet when I was a teenager, and it became a lifelong joy