7 Incredible Uses for Cardboard Tubes

Most of us tend to throw away cardboard tubes. But that does not mean there are not uses for them. From making kindling to using them as pesticides, there's actually a lot you can do with cardboard tubes. Take a look at how handy cardboard tubes are. You will not believe how many uses they have! Here are 7 really fun alternatives to throwing them away.
1. Use them as kindling and logs.
Turn toilet paper and paper towel tubes into kindling and logs for your fireplace. Cut the cardboard into 3 mm wide strips with scissors for kindling. Keep the strips in a container near the fireplace so you have them handy the next time you build a fire. To make logs, tape one end of the tube and pack shredded newspaper inside. Then tape the other end closed. The tighter you wrap the newspaper, the longer your log will burn.
2. Make boot trees
To keep the tops of long, flexible boots from toppling over and forming ugly wrinkles in your closet, tuck cardboard shipping tubes into them to keep their shape.
3. Protect important documents
Before storing diplomas, marriage certificates and other important documents in your cedar box, roll them up tightly and tuck them into paper towel tubes. This will prevent creases and keep the documents clean and dry.
4. Store your children's artwork
You'll want to save some of your kids' prized artwork for posterity (or you do not want it cluttering up the house). Simply roll up the artwork and put it inside a paper towel tube. Label the outside with the child's name and the date. The tubes store easily, and you can keep your little artist's work safe. Also use this method to store your documents, such as report cards and licences.
5. Store knitting needles
Here is how to keep your knitting needles from bending and breaking: Use a long cardboard tube made of kitchen wrap or plastic wrap. Cover one end with cellophane tape. Pinch the other end closed and secure it tightly with tape. Push the pins in through the tape on the taped end. The tape will hold them in place and provide safe, organized storage.
6. Store fabric scraps
Roll up leftover fabric scraps tightly and put them in a cardboard tube from your bathroom or kitchen. For easy identification, tape or staple a fabric swatch to the outside of the tube.
7. Make a cord organizer.
Are your cords always tangled no matter how hard you try? A few cardboard tubes can solve this problem.
I have a friend that uses cardboard tubes to protect her flower vases. She has about 24 vases that are narrow and allows at the ready for decorating the tables at our local funeral lunches. It keeps them from getting scratched or from tipping over when she transports them. It also helps the flowers to stay in them.