7 Tips and Tricks to Crochet More Efficiently

There is no question that different types of crochet projects take longer than others. I understand wanting to crochet faster. Sometimes we need to hurry to meet a deadline, like the birth of our first nephew or grandchild. Other times, we just look forward to holding the finished project in our hands so we can use it and show it off. Whatever the reason you want to crochet faster, I hope these tips help.
None of the tips I've listed will change the speed of your crochet overnight. So this is more about how to crochet more efficiently than just faster. But if you take the time to improve in a few areas, you'll be able to crochet a little faster. Discover 7 simple and ingenious tips on how to crochet more efficiently.
1. Pay attention to your tension
Tension is one of the most frustrating things for both beginners and experienced crocheters. The reason tension is so hard to understand is because there are a number of factors that can affect it. If you crochet too tightly, you'll slow down, and it can cause pain in your wrists. Crocheting too loosely can also slow you down.
2. Limit distractions
As a mother of two, I know it's not always easy to limit distractions. But if it's possible, it'll definitely help. If you want to learn to crochet more efficiently, you need to limit distractions. Fewer distractions mean fewer interruptions, and your project will get done faster. Sometimes you may need to turn off the TV website and listen to music or a podcast if the TV website is taking up too much of your attention.
3. Try a different hook
I maintain that the speed of my crochet completely changed overnight. If you don't like your current crochet hooks or don't want to try them, there are many different types of hooks on the market. Try different brands and models to find out which ones really fit your hand well.
4. Hold your hook differently
Do you usually hold your hook like a pencil? Try the knife handle and see if that changes anything. Do you find that the tension is too much when you wrap the hook around your pinky and index finger? Try holding it between your middle and index fingers.
5. Relax while watching a show or listening to an audiobook
I spend most of my time crocheting in front of TV while watching my favorite shows (when I'm not watching my kids' favorites). Of course, the best way to do this is with a project that has a simple pattern repeat. That way you don't have to think as much about what you're doing. There have been times when I've been so engrossed in my show that I've looked down and been shocked at how far I've actually gotten.
6. Use thick yarn or multiple skeins
The thicker the yarn and the larger the hook, the faster the project will go. If you knit a hat with a super thick yarn, you can be done in as little as an hour!
7. Get comfortable
I've mentioned before that I spend most of my time crocheting on the couch, so this is already pretty comfortable. BUT There are times when I need to adjust some things. If I get pain in my wrists or elbows, I like to put a pillow on my lap and rest my elbows on it to work that way. That also helps reduce neck pain because the work is then closer to eye level. Your posture is also very important, so make sure you sit up straight.