Preventive care for cutting boards.

Some cooks have multiple cutting boards for different purposes, but cooks with more limited storage space often make do with one. Here are two tips that keep them from picking up stains and odors.
A. Put garlic cloves in a plastic sandwich bag, mash them with a pan or rolling pin right in the bag, and dump them directly from the bag into the pot. This way, no odor pervades the board because no garlic ever touches it.
B. If you like roasted beets but hate the way they stain cutting boards when you peel and slice them, try lining the roasting pan with a square of aluminum foil that is large enough to act as a board liner when it comes time to prep the roasted beets.
Making stains disappear.

Slicing pomegranates, beets, or cherries can leave bright pink or red stains on your cutting board that even endless scrubbing can’t get out. But you can make the marks disappear with distilled white vinegar by blotting it on with a sponge. After a quick scrub and rinse, the surface is as good as new.
Don’t cry over spilled wine.

Try this homemade solution for removing red wine stains. Combine equal parts hydrogen peroxide and dish detergent. Pour on the stain to saturate. The stain should disappear within an hour. (be sure to test the solution on an inconspicuous spot first.)
All the news that’s fit to de-stink.

Raw garlic and onions can leave behind unpleasant odors in plastic containers, which can subsequently permeate any food stored in them. You can use newspaper to solve the problem.
1. Fill the odoriferous container with crumpled pieces of newspaper and seal the lid. The newspaper will absorb the odor.
2. After a day or two, remove the newspaper and wash the now odor-free container in hot, soapy water.
Sticking it to stuck-on food.

Try this effective solution for removing burnt-on food from your pots and pans.
1. Fill the pan 2 inches high with water. Add ¼ cup baking soda and ¼ cup distilled white vinegar. Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Turn off heat and let sit until cooled.
2. Drain the water and clean the pot as usual. If any burnt patches remain, repeat.
Removing burnt cheese.

The baked-on coating of burnt cheese and sauce left at the bottom of a fondue dish or macaroni-and-cheese pan may be tasty, but hardened food residue presents a formidable cleaning task. Here are two ways to handle the challenge.
A. Cover the burnt-on mess with dishwashing soap and a small amount of boiling water and allow it to rest overnight. The next morning, the mess will wash away with ease.
B. To deal with large pans even in a small sink, soak a dish towel thoroughly in warm water and place it directly on the surface of the dirty pan. In as little as a few minutes, the mess washes right off, just as if the pan had been soaked in a sink.
Smoothing a sticky salad bowl.

Years of exposure to oily salad dressings can leave wooden salad bowls with a gummy, rancid residue that all the soap and hot water in the world can’t wash off. The best way to restore your bowl is to completely remove the accumulated layers of oil with sandpaper and start fresh. Using medium-grit sandpaper (80 to 120 grit), gently rub the bowl’s surface until it turns matte and pale; thoroughly wash and dry the bowl; and give it a new coat of food-grade mineral oil (don’t use vegetable oil or lard, both of which turn rancid and sticky). With a paper towel, liberally apply the oil to all the surfaces of the bowl, let it sink in for 15 minutes, and then wipe it with a fresh paper towel. Reapply oil whenever the bowl becomes dry or dull. It’s fine to use a mild dish soap and warm water to clean wooden bowls; doing this will help maintain the seasoning and prevent oil buildup. Dry the bowl thoroughly after cleaning and never put it in the dishwasher or let it soak; otherwise, it can warp and crack.