Surprising Uses of Silica Gel

Whether you’ve purchased a new pair of shoes or a bag of beef jerky, we’ve all seen those silica gel packs that come inside the package. They’re meant to help keep out moisture and maintain a food’s freshness. Most of the time, those packs end up straight in the garbage because, well…what could you possibly use them for? As it turns out–for a lot of things! Here are seven clever ways to use silica gel packs around the house.
It's a shame we can't buy the silica gel in its packets. I guess it's too dangerous for animals or children to get a hold of but if I'm holding them from other products that I buy and put them in products I want to save and keep dry where would I find it to buy and the little packets?
It's a shame we can't buy the silica gel in its packets. I guess it's too dangerous for animals or children to get a hold of but if I'm holding them from other products that I buy and put them in products I want to save and keep dry where would I find it to buy and the little packets?
I haven't bought any yet, but after reading your comment, I Googled the gel packets, and believe you can get them at Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, Michael's, Ace Hardware and Amazon. If you want to go to the store to purchase them, I don't know which department they would be in. My favorite thing to do is just ask, and if they don't know ask who would. If their answer is I don't know, nicely but firmly ask them what their name is and tell them you want to see the store manager NOW!!! The best place to start is at the top. Your here to take care of business and spend your money, time is money, I don't know is just wasting your time meaning your money. I apologize to you, I could rant and rave about lack of customer service. Don't forget to go to Walmart, Hone Depot, Lowes. Michael's and Ace Hardware's customer service and ask them where they are that is what they get paid for.