Kitchen Organization Hacks: Countertops

Kitchens and dining areas are the heart of the home, but with so many utensils and supplies, it's an area that can easily get out of control. Your countertops are the areas of your kitchen that are most easily seen. Keeping them clean and shiny will make your whole kitchen feel cleaner.
These tips will help you keep everything organized, from spatulas to groceries, so you can spend more time with your family and less time wondering where you put that jar of peppers. Today's hacks will help you hide everyday utensils and still have them within reach. Whether you have a formal dining room or an eat-in kitchen, you'll find that you have more than enough space when every inch is used in a beautiful and meaningful way.
1. First, clean your countertop.
Take everything off of it, wipe up all the crumbs and dirt. Spray the countertop with a solution of vinegar and water or a mixture of water and mild soap. Wipe it down. Scrub any sticky areas. Be sure to get under the edge of the countertop and backsplash as well, and into all the joints. If you have wooden cabinets, you should use a wood cleaner. There is a special cleaner for cabinets called Cabinet Magic that works well. Clean all drawer pulls and handles with a mild soap.
2. Be realistic about what you can and cannot do.
You can't declutter your home overnight. You can declutter a countertop or drawer in as little as 15 minutes.
3. First things first: divide your kitchen into zones.
Organize them by function, such as baking, meal prep, and cleaning. This way, you'll have everything you need for each task within easy reach, saving you time and space.
4. For items you need to keep on the countertops, arrange them grouped on trays for increased productivity and visual appeal.
Not only does it look better, but it's also functional.
5. Create a coffee station by gathering all your coffee supplies in one area.
Arranging them on a tray next to your machine. That way, you won't have to stumble around tired-eyed in the morning to get your caffeine fix!
6. Turn an extra drawer into a tea storage and preparation area.
Use drawer dividers (or a utensil holder) sized to fit tea bags to showcase different types of tea. Add pretty strainers, tea bag holders, or other tea making accessories.
7. Make your cups part of your decor.
Install small cup hooks at even intervals under cabinets and hang cups from their handles. This way, they're ready to use when needed and serve as decoration at the same time.
8. Storing utensils doesn't have to be boring.
Use a small garden urn, an old jug or a wide-mouthed vase to store your utensils and put a new twist on a classic storage idea. You can also try to make your own utensil container from a metal can.
9. Attach a magnetic knife holder to the countertop in the cooking area to keep hands safe and knives sharp. Plus, they'll always be within reach when you need to cut something.
10. Attach a knife sharpener to the side of your knife block so it's always handy.