7 Beauty Hacks: Hair Care Hints on a Budget

If you’re like most women, chances are you take great pride in your hair—and that means you probably try to do everything in your power to keep your mane looking its most beautiful. The wide range of diversity in hair type, texture, and thickness means that you need to listen to your head of hair to help it shine and grow healthy. Here’s our list of hair care tips to give yourself some much-deserved hair love. It’s time to brush up on your beauty hacks!
1. Leave-in-conditioner aka regular conditioner.
If you want to leave your hair nice and flowy, its best to nourish with leave-in-conditioner. Never mind if you don’t have one. Just take a dollop of regular conditioner along with three parts water in a spray bottle. Few sprays would be enough to keep your hair tangle free.
2. For clear and glowing skin.
Wash your neck and face with baby oil to get that amazing and glowing skin. Baby oil is more of a moisturizer rather than oil so don’t worry about greasiness.
3. Tackle that fizz.
To tame down the fizzy hair, especially when your hair-smoothening serum is finished, use your hand cream. Apply cream over your palms and run them over your hair. Take care not to apply too much of cream or hair strands will get too greasy.
4. Safe removal of make-up.
Remove your make up safely and completely with coconut oil. Dab some oil on a cotton swab and wipe it over your face to dissolve the makeup.
5. Perfume in hair instead of blow-dry.
Lightly spray perfume in hair and brush full length. Your hair will look freshly blow-dried even without shampooing.
6. Frizzy hair?
Treat them easily. Instead of a towel, dry your hair with T-shirt to mow down the fizzy hair. The hair shaft will remain smooth, giving a unique bounce and volume to your hair.
7. Grooming eyebrows with toothbrush.
Take an unused and clean toothbrush to groom your brows. It will be easy to preen them, and you would find them intact all day long.