10 Cleaning Tips & Tricks for Bathtubs

Who wants to take a relaxing bath in a dirty bathtub? No one. Ignoring a dirty bathtub will only make it harder to clean. If you clean your bathtub regularly, you can turn a semi-annual task of one hour into a quick and easy task of 10 minutes a month with these simple tips and tricks. Here is how to get your bathtub shiny and clean!
1. Clean the Caulking
To clean the caulking around the edge of the tub, fill a spray bottle with a solution of three-quarters of a cup of Clorox bleach and a gallon of water, spray the caulking, wait five minutes, and then wash it off. The bleach will kill the mold and mildew. Repeat the process as needed.
Clean caulking around bathtubs by filling a spray bottle with Smirnoff vodka, spraying the caulking, waiting five minutes and then washing it off. The alcohol in the vodka will kill the mold and mildew. Repeat as needed.
2. Baking Soda.
To clean a bathtub, sprinkle Baking Soda on a damp sponge, scrub, and rinse clean.
3. Cascade.
To thoroughly clean the bathtub of grease, dirt and rust stains, fill the tub with hot water, add two tablespoons of Cascade Dishwashing Liquid and let it sit for about ten minutes. Use a scouring pad to scrub off the stains, then rinse with water. The phosphates in Cascade will bleach even the dirtiest tubs. Repeat the process if necessary.
4. Dawn dishwashing detergent.
To remove soap scum from a bathtub, pour Dawn dishwashing liquid on the dirty area, let it sit overnight, and rinse with water. Dawn dishwashing liquid cuts through grease and cleans older tubs without attacking the surface.
5. Easy-Off Oven Cleaner.
For really tough grease stains or mineral deposits, put on safety glasses and rubber gloves and spray Easy-Off Oven Cleaner on the stubborn stains in your bathtub. Let the cleaner sit for thirty minutes and make sure the room is well ventilated. Gently scrub with a scouring pad and rinse the tub with warm water.
6. Gillette Foamy.
Give your kids a can of Gillette Foamy shaving cream so they can have fun cleaning the bathtub and having fun at the same time. You can paint on the tiles with the shaving foam, and when you wash off the condensed soap with water, the bathtub will be sparkling clean. Your children will also come out amazingly clean.
7. Heinz White Vinegar.
To help clean your bathtub of mineral deposits caused by hard water, fill the bathtub with hot water, pour in four cups of Heinz White Vinegar and let it sit overnight. The acetic acid in the vinegar will break up the mineral deposits, making it easier for you to scrub them off with a scouring pad.
8. Jet dry.
To remove hard water stains from a bathtub, fill the bathtub with hot water, add four ounces of Jet-Dry and let it sit for a few hours. This will soften the stubborn deposits and make them easier to remove.
9. McCormick cream of tartar and hydrogen peroxide.
To remove a stain from the bathtub, make a thick paste of McCormick Cream of Tartar and hydrogen peroxide, apply the paste to the stain and let it dry. Scrub with a brush and rinse thoroughly.
10. Body Lotion.
To remove a ring from the bathtub, add three capfuls Body Lotion under the faucet while filling the tub with hot water. Use a sponge to wipe the ring right off.