8 Brilliant Hydrogen Peroxide Hacks To Help You Clean

Cleaning products are expensive, and if you use a different product for each type of surface you’re cleaning, the cost can add up quickly. Are you looking to simplify your cleaning products and save a little money at the same time? Hydrogen peroxide is a natural, multi-purpose solution that can do just that. Here are 7 hydrogen peroxide cleaning ang sanitizing hacks you can use in your household. Learn why hydrogen peroxide is one of my all-time favorite cleaners.
In my humble opinion, hydrogen peroxide is one of the the more underrated items you can have in your natural cleaning toolkit. You can use it to disinfect, sanitize, and deodorize hundreds of surfaces and items around your home. Hydrogen peroxide is also a powerful oxidizer, making it useful for whitening and bleaching things, too. I could go on and on about all the different ways you can use hydrogen peroxide around your home… and that’s exactly what I plan to do today!
False add! It doesn't foam up like that!!!