10 Organization Hacks with Files, Papers & Photos

We all know, that it's easy to let files, papers and photos pile up in your home office. Get control of the clutter before it takes over your space. Go through every piece of paper in your office by using the System of Three: shred/toss it, file it or take action from it. File your important paperwork in a color-coded filing system.
Sorting through your papers takes long enough — and that's just one type of document we're confronted with nowadays. Add tax forms, medical info, and even your kid's many (many) drawings into the mix and your office desk — and everywhere else — can get buried quickly. Fortunately, there's an easy way to curb the mess: by making a clearcut paperwork organizing system. To help you get started, find out the best paper organization ideas that will keep everything sorted (and your mind sane) when it comes to finally paying the cable bill. These ideas will make sure every piece of paper has a happy place to land.
1. When mail comes into your home, open it over the recycling bin. Recycle junk mail before it has a chance to clutter your beautiful home.
2. While it may sound like a simple step, taking time to set up paperless billing and payments will reduce the amount of mail coming into your home. Be sure to put payment due dates on your calendar for the first billing cycle to make sure all the payments went through smoothly and enjoy the huge amount of paper clutter you’re avoiding!
3. Organize warranties and instruction manuals in expanding folders sorted by room. That way you can always find the right manual simply by searching the folder for that room. Go through it once a year to discard manuals for items you no longer own.
4. Place all receipts in a magazine file holder. Go through them once a month and discard ones that are no longer needed.
5. If you pull articles and recipes from magazines, place them in plastic sleeves in a binder or go paperless and upload them so you can save them to Pinterest instead.
6. Keep a household inventory for insurance purposes. Take photos of your valuables, everything from clothing to electronics to jewelry, as a record. Keep two copies: one in a fireproof safe in your home and another in a safe-deposit box, in case of loss. Make sure to update this list as valuables are added, sold, or lost.
7. Keep your grocery list on an app on your phone so you always have it handy and accessible when shopping.
8. Clear plastic wall pockets are a handy way to hold bills and mail. It’s harder to lose them when stored on the wall in front of you as opposed to scattered on your desktop.
9. If you clip coupons, create a coupon station to keep everything in one easy-to-access area. You’ll need a spot for unclipped coupons, a clipped coupon organizer, and scissors.
10. Create your own coupon organizer by using a small expandable check-sized file. Label each section with a category, such as dairy, produce, or frozen, and file coupons accordingly.