Tips to Look After Beauty Products

Dirty make-up brushes, clogged with old make-up, dust, dirt and oil, can cause skin irritation problems and a break-out of spots or red patches. Make-up brushes do need to be cleaned on a regular basis to stop the build-up of bacteria that is not good for our skin. This is an important task – if you wear make-up daily, make cleaning your brushes a weekly cleaning task.
As well as keeping your make-up brushes clean, keep your make-up bag or storage boxes clean, too. Bacteria love dark places, so make-up containers and bags are the perfect breeding ground. Most make-up bags can go in the wash and boxes should be cleaned out at least once a month. In this way, you can take care of make-up spillages and ensure that all the make-up is in good condition with the lids on and in some sort of order. Discover some easy tips to look after your beauty products.