Home Wallpapering Hacks
Wallpaper is making a comeback. Not only can it look richer than paint, it gives rooms more dimension and can mask a wall that is uneven. Whether you opt for a muted color or bright patterns, wallpaper should create a unified look with the fabrics and the style of furnishings in a room without overwhelming the space.
Wallpapering is easier than you think. A few tips, some basic instructions and a little imagination are all you need to change the atmosphere of a room.
The color of this wallpaper works well with the sofa and accessories.
Wallpaper can have a significant impact on a room. It can subdivide and structure a room, as well as making it appear larger. The trend these days is to wallpaper only one or two walls rather than the entire space.
Your choice of wallpaper will depend on personal preference and where you will be using it, as well as on the skill of the installer.
• Grasscloth, made from a weave of grasses, is suited to areas that sustain little wear and tear.
• Fabric wallpaper is made of silk, cotton or linen, which is sometimes laminated to regular paper. It’s not the easiest to keep clean and is fairly difficult to work with but is stunning in a formal setting, such as a dining room.
• Foil wallpaper is made of patterned metal foil. It can add an interesting touch and reflects light well but is unforgiving if it gets wrinkled or folded.