How to Crochet Cross Over Stitch Photo Tutorial

Blossom Lady
Jun 21, 2024 01:13 PM
How to Crochet Cross Over Stitch Photo Tutorial

Learn how to crochet the cross over stitch in this free and easy tutorial! This is a beautiful crochet stitch that works well for a variety of projects. I’ll walk you through how to make it step-by-step.

The cross over stitch is a unique crochet stitch pattern that almost creates the look of a mock cable. There are actually a lot of stitches that can be known as “cross” stitches.

But this is a specific stitch with a specific pattern to it. We’ll be making sets of 3 double crochet, and then doing a special stitch that crosses over those 3. If that sounds confusing now, don’t worry!


  • Stitch multiple is 4+3
  • If you prefer to start with fsc, the multiple will be 4+2 (since you don’t need a turning chain on the first row)
  • Chain 1 at beginning of rows does not count as a stitch
  • Chain 3 at beginning of rows counts as a dc


  • Chain – ch
  • Single crochet – sc
  • Double crochet – dc
  • Each – ea


  • Worsted Weight Yarn
  • H/5mm crochet hook
  • Yarn Needle


Chain 27 (or any multiple of 4+3).

Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook and ea ch across, turn.

Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as a dc) sk next st. *Dc in next 3 sts. Working over 3 dc just made, dc in skipped stitch. Rep from * across the row, until 1 st left. Dc in last st, turn.

Row 3: Ch 1, sc in ea st across.

Repeat rows 2-3 for as long as you’d like!

To change colors:

Change colors at the very end of any even-numbered row. On the last dc of the row, YO with the new color to complete the last dc. Then turn and continue in the new color for the single-crochet row.

How to Crochet Cross Over Stitch Photo Tutorial
How to Crochet Cross Over Stitch Photo Tutorial
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