Strawberry Ripples Baby Blanket Pattern

Blossom Lady
May 12, 2024 01:20 AM
Strawberry Ripples Baby Blanket Pattern

This Strawberry Ripples Baby Blanket is one of the cutest afghan patterns I've seen, and I’m so excited to share it with you.

This baby blanket has a multicolored lacey blanket framed by a delicate, fan border. And as the name suggests, I took a lot of inspiration from strawberries, especially color-wise.

Because the blanket is made with a gorgeous stitch pattern and a very refreshing color scheme, it makes an instant accent piece for a nursery. You can change the size and turn it into an afghan or throw, just make more chains in the starting chain.

Grab the hook and let's learn how to crochet Strawberry Ripples Baby Blanket.

Pattern Notes

Project Size

  • 110cm x 85
  • to adjust size, you need multiples of 17 + 3

Yarn Used

  • 2 x 100g Acrylic DK yarn in pink
  • 3 x 100g Acrylic DK yarn in white
  • 2 x 100g Acrylic DK yarn in red


  • 4mm and 4.5mm crochet hooks
  • tapestry needle
  • scissors


  • st(s) – stitch(es)
  • ch(s) – chain(s)
  • sl st – slip stitch
  • sk – skip
  • sc – single crochet
  • hdc – half double crochet
  • dc – double crochet
  • bo – bobble stitch made with 3 incomplete double crochet

Strawberry Ripples Baby Blanket Pattern

  • The stitches between ( ) are to be made into the same stitch or chain space (as instructed).
  • The stitches between * * are to be repeated as many times as instructed.
  • If the pattern contains stitches between ** **, they are to be repeated as many times as instructed, including the * * repeats within.
  • The number at the end of the row or round is the number of stitches unless otherwise stated.

The Blanket

Starting Chain: ch139

With pink and a 4.5mm hook, chain 139.

Row 1: sc in 2nd ch and in all remaining chs = 138

Row 2: ch3 (counts as 1dc), sk2, bo, sk2, (3dc) in next, sk2, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) in next, *sk2, (3dc) in next, sk2, bo, sk4, bo, sk2, (3dc) in next, sk2, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) in next*, repeat from * 7 times in total, sk2, (3dc) in next, sk2, bo, sk2, dc in last stitch

Rows 3 & 4: Except for the 1st and last dc, we will work all stitches in the spaces between the dc clusters below.

ch3 (counts as 1dc), bo in next space, (3dc) in next space, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) in the ch3 space below, *(3dc) in next space, bo in next, sk next space below (the space between the 2 bobbles below), bo in next space, (3dc) in next space, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) in the ch3 space below*, repeat from * 7 times in total, (3dc) in next space, bo in next space, dc in the last stitch (the top ch of ch3 you made at the beginning of previous row).

Row 5: ch1 (does not count as a stitch), hdc in next 8sts, (3hdc) in the ch3 space below, *hdc in next 14sts, (3hdc) in the ch3 space below*, repeat from * 7 times, hdc in next 8sts.

Cut the pink yarn and change colors to white.

From this point on, the pattern is a repeat of Rows 2 – 5.

Each repeat is made in one color in the following order: pink, white, red.

My blanket contains 15 repeats and ends in red. Make as many repeats as needed until your blanket is 100cm long, preferably ending in red.

The Border

Change colors to white by pulling a loop through the red loop. Ch1 and pull the red loop tail to tighten it then cut the red yarn. Weave in all ends.

Crochet the border using white yarn and a 4mm crochet hook.

Round 1:

Crocheting down the side of the blanket, around the stitch posts: *hdc in the hdc row, (2hdc) around the dc post of the next 3 rows* x 15, hdc in the sc row.

Crocheting along the bottom of the blanket: (3hdc) in the first st, 8hdc, *sk1, 7hdc, (2hdc) in next 2sts, 7hdc* x 7, sk1, 8hdc, (3hdc) in last st

Crocheting up the side of the blanket around the stitch posts: hdc in the sc row, *(2hdc) around the dc posts of next 3 rows* hdc in the hdc row* x 15

Crocheting along the top of the blanket: (3hdc) in first stitch, 8hdc, (3hdc) in next, *7hdc, sk2, 7hdc, (3hdc) in next st* x 7, 8hdc, (3hdc) in last stitch, sl st in the first hdc you made at the beginning of the round.

Round 2:

Ch1 (doesn’t count as a stitch), starting from the same stitch you sl st into:

Crocheting down the side of the blanket: hdc in each stitch until you reach the (3hdc) made in the corner.

Crocheting along the bottom of the blanket: hdc, (3hdc) in next, 8hdc, *sk2, 7hdc, (2hdc) in next 2sts, 7hdc* x 7, sk2, 8hdc, (3hdc) in next, hdc

Crocheting up the side of the blanket: hdc in each stitch until you reach the (3hdc) made in the corner

Crocheting along the top of the blanket: hdc, (3hdc) in next, 10hdc, *(3hdc) in next, 7hdc, sk2, 7hdc* x 7, (3hdc) in next, 10hdc, (3hdc) in next, hdc, sl st in first hdc you made in the round.

Round 3:

Ch1 (does not count as a stitch)

Crocheting down the side of the blanket: **4sc, sk2, (*dc, ch1* x 4, dc) in next stitch, sk2**, repeat from ** until you have 6sts left until the corner stitch (2nd hdc of (3hdc) you made in previous round), 4sc, sk2

Crocheting along the bottom of the blanket: (*dc, ch1* x 5, dc) in next stitch, sk2, 6sc, sk2, 5sc, **sk2, (*dc, ch1* x 5, dc) in next stitch, sk2, 5sc, sk2, 5sc** x 6, sk2, (*dc, ch1* x 5, dc) in next stitch

Crocheting up the side of the blanket: sk2, 5sc, sk2, 6sc, sk2, (*dc, ch1* x 5, dc) in next stitch, sk2, **4sc, sk2, (*dc, ch1* x 4, dc) in next stitch, sk2**, repeat from ** until you have 6sts left until the corner stitch (2nd hdc of (3hdc) you made in the previous round), 4sc, sk2

Crocheting along the top of the blanket: (*dc, ch1* x 5, dc) in next stitch, sk2, 7sc, **sk2, (*dc, ch1* x 5, dc) in next stitch, sk2, 5sc, sk2, 5sc** x 7, sk2, (*dc, ch1* x 5, dc) in next stitch, sk2, 8sc, sk2, (*dc, ch1* x 5, dc) in next stitch, sk2, sl st in first sc you made at the beginning of the round.

Round 4:

Ch1 (does not count as a stitch)

Crocheting down the side of the blanket: 5sc, ** *(sc, ch3, sc) in next ch1 space of the fan* x 4, 5sc**, repeat from ** until you reach the corner fan

Crocheting along the bottom of the blanket: ** *(sc, ch3, sc) in ch1 space of the fan* x 5, 5sc, sk2, 5sc** x 8, *(sc, ch3, sc) in next ch1 space of the fan* x 5

Crocheting up the side of the blanket: 5sc, ** * (sc, ch3, sc) in next ch1 space of the fan* x 4, 5sc**, repeat from **until you reach the next corner fan

Crocheting along the top of the blanket: *sc, ch3, sc* in next ch1 space of the fan* x 5, 8sc, *(sc, ch3, sc) in next ch1 space of the fan* x 5, **5sc, sk2, 5sc, *(sc, ch3, sc) in next ch1 space of the fan* x 5** x 8, sl st in the first sc you made at the beginning of the round.

Fasten off and weave in all the ends.

Strawberry Ripples Baby Blanket Pattern
Strawberry Ripples Baby Blanket Pattern
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