How To Crochet the Cluster Stitch

Blossom Lady
May 18, 2024 10:32 AM
How To Crochet the Cluster Stitch

It’s so much fun to try new stitches and I’ve really enjoyed sharing some of my faves with you. I’ve been eyeing this crocheted cluster stitch for a while and am currently using it to make a rug for my daughter’s bathroom. It’s a gorgeous and fairly easy crochet stitch that creates a dense fabric with a beautiful and reversible texture. It would work wonderfully for baby blankets, dishcloths, scarves and so much more.

You really only need to know how to single crochet and double crochet for this pattern, so if you’ve got those down you should definitely give it a try!

You will need:

  • Yarn & corresponding crochet hook (any size)
  • Scissors
  • Tapestry Needle

Explanation on How To Crochet The Cluster Stitch

Step 1 Chain an even number of stitches

Step 2 You will now work the first row. For row 1, sc in 2nd stitch from the hook, sc in next st, *ch1, sk st, sc in next st. Repeat from * across to last st. Sc in final stitch, turn.

Step 3 You will now work row 2 which will create the clusters. For row 2 Ch 4, work as if to double crochet in 1st ch space, but only pull through the first two loops on the hook. Repeat this again, crocheting as if to make a double crochet but only pull through the first two loops on the hook. Continue to do this, working into the same chain space, until there are 5 loops on the hook. Yarn over, pull through all 5 loops on the hook, ch 1. Repeat this pattern, working a cluster into each chain space across the row. When you get to the last two stitches of the row, ch 1, and double crochet into the last stitch.

Step 4 Simply repeat these two rows for as long as you’d like! That’s all there is to it!

How To Crochet the Cluster Stitch
How To Crochet the Cluster Stitch
How To Crochet the Cluster Stitch
How To Crochet the Cluster Stitch
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