Crochet Basics: Rosebud Stitch

When it comes to roses, I am a complete romantic. I love roses, rosebuds and all flowers in general. So this rosebud crochet stitch pattern was a must on my list of tutorials I wanted to show off to the world. The stitch pattern is very easy although it might look a bit daunting at first, but trust me, once you get started and made one rosebud, you will have no problems making lots of them. As the rosebuds are just an addition to the actual “background” flat pattern you can easily just learn how to crochet the rosebuds and then add them to whatever project you like. However, in this tutorial, I will show you every detail of the minimum amount of repeat stitches. Then you can adjust them yourself for your own pattern design.
Techniques used in this stitch (British term / American term):
Chain stitch – ch
Slip stitch - slt
Double crochet / Single crochet – dc/sc Half treble / halp double crochet – htr/hdc Treble / Double crochet – tr / dc
Stitch – st
Foundation Chain: Multiples of 15 + 12
Row 1: Skip 3ch, work 1tr/dc in each of next ch, turn.
Row 2: Make 1ch, work 1dc/sc in each of next tr/dc below, 1dc/sc in third ch, turn. Row 3: Make 1ch, work 1dc/sc in each of next dc/sc below, turn.
Row 4: Make 3ch, skip first st, work 1tr/dc in each of next dc/sc below, turn.
Row 5: Make 1ch, work 1dc/sc in each of next 5tr/dc below, * Make 2 leaves: 3ch,
insert your hook from back to front into tr/dc of Row 1 (of Row 13),
work 1dc/sc.
Make 1dc/sc + 1htr/hdc + 3tr/dc + 1htr/hdc + 1dc/sc in space of 3ch.
Make 3 ch, skip 2st back from first leaf, insert your hook from back to front into next tr/dc of Row 1 (of Row 13), work 1dc/sc.
Make 1dc/sc + 1htr/hdc + 3tr/dc + 1htr/hdc + 1dc/sc in space of 3ch.
Continue work row: make 1dc/sc in each of next 15tr/dc below; rep from *.
Make 2 leaves, work 1dc/sc in each of next 4tr/dc, 1dc/sc in third ch, turn.
Row 6: Make 1ch, work 1dc/sc in each of next 5dc/sc below, * Make rosebud: 12ch,
skip 3ch, work 3tr/dc in each of next 9ch, 3ch, slt in last ch,
Turn and roll spiral together from one end, rolling towards the other end. Form strip together into a rosebud shape.
Insert your hook through bottom side of rose and sew all layers of flower making slt. Make this step one more time. Work 1ch and turn.
Drop loop from your hook and rotate rosebud one time clockwise. Grab dropped loop and continue work row:
make 1dc/sc in each of next 15tr/dc below; rep from *, make rosebud, 1dc/sc in each of next 5dc/sc below, turn.
Row 7: Make 3ch, skip first st, work 1tr/dc in each of next dc/sc below, turn.
Row 8: Make 1ch, work 1dc/sc in each of next tr/dc below, 1dc/sc in third ch, turn. Row 9: Make 1ch, work 1dc/sc in each of next dc/sc below, turn.
Row 10: Make 3ch, skip first st, work 1tr/dc in each of next dc/sc below, turn.
Row 11: Make 1ch, work 1dc/sc in each of next 12tr/dc below, * make 2 leaves, 1dc/sc in each of next 15tr/dc below; rep from *, make 2 leaves, 1dc/sc in each of next 12tr/dc below, 1dc/sc in third ch, turn.
Row 12: Make 1ch, work 1dc/sc in each of next 13dc/sc below, * make rosebud, 1dc/sc in each of next 15tr/dc below; rep from *, make rosebud, 1dc/sc in each of next 12dc/sc below, turn.
Row 13: Make 3ch, skip first st, work 1tr/dc in each of next dc/sc below, turn.
Repeat rows 2 – 13 until you have reached your desired length.
Color combination foe multicolored background
Colors & rows: 1, 2, 3 & 4 – dark brown, 5 – light green, 6 – pink, 7, 8, 9 & 10 – dark purple, 11 – dark green, 12 – white, 13, 14, 15 & 16 – light purple, 17 – light green, 18 – pink, 19, 20, 21 & 22 – dark brown, 23 – dark green, 24 – white, 25, 26, 27 & 28 – dark purple.
Beautiful blanket or perhaps a lap-robe or shawl. Thank you.
I too am a rose flower fanatic. Love the blanket. I am a beginner, but I am going to try making this blanket for my soon to be born grand niece. Thank you so much for sharing.
What's a halp double crochet as stated in the definitions, half double HDC is that you mean. The photos are great but don't explain any specific things you must consider for this pattern when crocheting the rose as a stand alone flower.